Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have everything you once prayed for? That is a question I often ask my clients. It is a question that some people avoid out of not believing they are deserving of such or they don't have the proper tools to gain clarity.
I was first introduced to the term law of attraction in 2006. The meaning helped me change my outlook on how things could manifest in your life. I also remember signing up with a life coach who ensured me that my fears would keep me from doing the very things that my heart desired. I didn't realize that message was true until 2015 when I hosted my first Queens on the Move vision board workshop.
As I was standing there speaking in front of a room full of women, I realized that I was where I wanted to be 9 years prior. Now don't get me wrong - Gods timing is perfect timing but I know that I put my goals and passion on the back burner. I was too afraid to admit that I was scared. I wasn't ready for what I was asking God for. I wanted the vision but didn't want the accountability and sacrifice that came along with pursuing purpose. I had past circumstances that kept me from being who God needed me to be. I honestly wasn't ready to heal. I got used to walking around with a broken identity.
"being a woman of purpose relies on you being a FEARLESS QUEEN."
I had to grow through some things in order to reap what God promised me. After that insightful moment, my passion grew deeper and deeper to help women overcome obstacles. I didn't understand what God was doing during my valley moments. I learned to trust and obey his will. I learned that I had to endure so that I can help others overcome. I learned that my purpose overshadows any of my fears. I admit that keeping this mantra all the time is hard, but being a woman of purpose relies on you being a FEARLESS QUEEN.
There are people waiting on you to faith it out.
Sometimes our circumstances don't always allow us to foresee the promise. Our faith holds us accountable to believing God at his word. Our faith holds us accountable in being fearless.
Joshua 1:9 tells us, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
That tells me that we as Queens are already destined to be covered by grace. We are positioned to walk in our purpose no matter what others say or show how they feel. We have a job to build up the kingdom of God. We can't be frightened by what we can't see because God is right there with us. We have to break the chains that are keeping us bound from our purpose. It's time to be FEARLESS because we are beautifully and wonderfully made.