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Never Alone

Writer's picture: Calandra WilliamsCalandra Williams

Have you ever experienced, knowing your calling but not feeling equipped to fulfill the call?

Last week, I was filling the pressure of doubting the call because for a moment I felt like I didn’t have what it took to fulfill the assignment. I began to question the process, the journey that I was already experiencing.

God, did you really tell me to leave my job?

Even though I know the voice of God and my purpose. The devil was on his assignment attempting to distract me away from God. For a moment, he was winning the battle. I was allowing the enemy to take control over my thoughts. Instead of having a positive mind set, I was negative about my current situation and the outcome of my future.

I was trying to manipulate the process by getting ahead of God and doing things my way. I put in a lot of work trying to be God’s assistant. As hard as I worked, my plan was an epic fail.

Do you want to know what I was doing? I was applying for corporate jobs. Yep, I was retreating on the word God had released to me three years ago. God told me, "I would leave corporate America and never return." But here I was looking at my right now situation thinking I need to help God out. I need to step in and control the situation.

I think my resume is impressive but not one job, contacted me. The Lord reminded me of His word, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

All I had to do was be strong and courageous. But how? I was afraid of the unknown. I was so worried about tomorrow that I forgot to live for today. I forgot to trust the process that leads to the promise. I was having a panic attack, thinking about all the things that needed to be paid, our increasing household expenses, my personal goals, the businesses, etc.

I had forgot that I wasn’t alone. I’m not doing this by myself. I am doing this with my Master, Savior, Deliverer, Healer, my Everything.

God has already gone before us to set forth the provisions necessary for us to be successful on our journeys. Trust the process, stand on His word, keep the faith and know that you aren’t alone.

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