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She is Set Apart

Writer's picture: Calandra WilliamsCalandra Williams

An Introduction by Calandra M. Williams

Majestic Daughter, do you know you have been set apart for a time such as this? I know we often hear this, but do we truly understand what it means to be set apart. It’s not just a cliché statement but a calling that has been placed upon your life by God. It’s a position in the kingdom that only you can fill. Your gifts and talents and even your story make up the unique elements of you being set apart in the kingdom.

Do you remember all the messy parts of your story? The parts that didn’t make sense to why you had to go through what you went through. Even those parts were all apart being set apart. You were handpicked for this journey which is no easy road to travel. It’s frustrating when it seems like the better you do the more setbacks you experience.

But wait, I thought they said I was set apart?! Have you ever thought this?

We are set apart, but we aren’t exempt from spiritual warfare. We will experience more because we are set apart. Can I let you in on a secret? The devil hates us because of who lives in us.

Bible Story

Let’s travel for a moment to the story of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Before she was Sarah, she was Sarai. Since Sarai hadn’t borne any children, she decided to allow her Egyptian slave, Hagar to sleep with her husband, Abram.

Wait a minute, what? Yep, you read right…

Sarai basically allows her husband to have a side chick because she can’t produce a baby for him. Maybe Abram would decline. Nope, my brother Abram agreed and got the side chick pregnant. I’m not making this stuff up, it’s in the word. Read Genesis Chapter 16.

This was a huge mess. Had Abram not been double minded and believed in the promises of God this would have never happened. Hagar thought she was better than Sarai since she was able to conceive a child by Sarai’s husband. Sarai in return Abram blamed her husband for the entire mess. She didn’t even take accountability for her irrational proposal to him.

After, all this the Lord visits Abram releasing the promise again and changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah.

What does this have to do with being set apart? I’m so glad you asked.

It has a lot to do with being set apart. See the promise had already gone forth to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. But because of their unbelief they both attempted to manipulate the promise of God. Just like many of us. You would think that God would have moved on the to the next willing person, but God came back to them both and revealed the promise again. To let them both, know, you will birth a son of your flesh. Even though they got ahead of God, the promise still stood and Gpd was faithful and His word didn’t return void.


"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

This is the scripture that comes to mind every time I think about those that have been called to build the kingdom. God already knows us. He knows our weaknesses and even how we will fail Him, but He still loves us and call us His own. The messy parts of our lives didn’t deny us of the promises.

Just like Sarah we are set apart and the promise will manifest at the appointed time.

Words of Wisdom


You will be tested by God because you are set apart. The testing isn’t meant to break us, but it’s done to shape us. It increases our faith in God, knowing that no trial will overcome our faith in Him.

Job 23:10 But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.


You can only be set apart by the renewing of the Holy Spirit. It transforms us into the image and likeness of Christ. This is not something we can do ourselves. We can’t stay the same and be set apart. There must be a separation of our sinful nature and the holiness that resides within us.

Romans 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


Because you are chosen, will you accept the call or decline it. Interesting questions to ask. We must ask this question because everyday that passes by that you doubt the call that is on your life, you’re declining the call. Every day you give God excuses about the call and why you can’t do it, you are declining the call. Every day that you run from it and continue to live a mediocre life, you are declining the call. What will you decide to do today?

Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Wrap Up

Sarah and Abraham finally had their son Isaac that the Lord had promised them, and we are still reaping the benefits from this promise that God gave Abraham so many moons ago.

People are waiting on your “YES” to being set apart for the kingdom of God for a time such as this.

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