To be the sister I wanted and desired- I became that sister to someone else.
One day..... I noticed the women I followed on social media, collaborated, show up for one another, encourage one another, and really cheered one for one another. They were different from the women I saw on Reality T.V. For the life of me I could not understand why there was a difference in the women seen on T.V as opposed to my social media. Needless to say, I started filtering the women I watched. I started to watch and study the women I followed on social media and study their commonalities.
They had the following things in common:
They knew they were a child of God They stayed in their lane All their stories were different, they knew who they were assigned and called to They did not tear each other down, they built each other up They showed up and supported each other events They created a sisterhood in Christ and that made them all the more beautiful
and I wanted that! I wanted sisters that helped me define and operate in my purpose. I wanted sisters who would pray with me and for me. I realized in order to be the sister I wanted, I had to first become that sister to someone else.
Don't allow media fool you. It is possible to have a circle of friends that celebrate you It is possible to have a circle of friends where you travel together It is possible to have a circle of friends where you can disagree and end the conversation in "I love you" It is possible to have a circle of friends that celebrate you and are not compete with you It is possible to have a circle of friends that pray with you and not prey on you
How do I know?
Because I became the sister I wanted and desire I created the Sisterhood Goals that I desired and you can too!
I am rooting for you, sis!