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When you look into the mirror, what do you see? Think about it. Are you looking with eyes of the world or eyes of faith? Is your view of self a reflection of what others think or how God sees you? At one point in my life I saw every flaw and downfall. I tore myself down with every facial scar and every extra pound that I couldn't seem to lose. I saw my doubt, lack of belief in self, confusion, and despair. I saw my want to do more and be better, but also my incapability of reaching that next level. I saw my present circumstances and let that determine the direction of my life. I saw what was happening in that moment, and not my breakthrough or overcome. I used my "sight" eyes (seeing only the surface), and not my eyes of "vision".

By one definition, vision is "the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be". There is so much value in that meaning! What if we saw past our current trials and actually believed that things would get better? Imagine a life where you anticipate greatness and are not solely focused on your issues. It's easy to become defeated when you worry about the how, why, and what if. "How will I ever make it out of this? Why is this happening to me? What if it never works out in my favor?" A halt will be placed on your dreams and progression if you can only focus on the negative. The possibilities for your future are endless, however, you must use your eyes of vision.

A second definition states that vision is "an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency". Come on somebody! I felt something come over me when I read that! I'm going to tell you about something that I experienced in order to paint an extremely clear picture of that definition's power.

A true passion of mine is positively impacting people. My heart rejoices when I see people succeed, overcome adversity, or even just put in the fight to conquer the hardships of life. I'm the type of person that will assist to uplift you in any situation. I'm now aware of the importance of self care, but I used to be really big on making sure that everyone else was taken care of first. So a few years ago I assisted a friend with getting out of debt. As I was helping them, I began to slowly fall. I began living paycheck to paycheck and taking out loans to pay back loans that I had previously taken out. I entered a world of recurrent payments with high interest and wondering how my bills would be paid. It took a few months for me to see light because in the midst of it all, I focused my energy on the darkness. I continuously sulked behind closed doors and wallowed in the reality that my bank account would always be empty. I couldn't see my way out.

Now, let me tell you when my little light began to shine. God talks to us often, and it's up to us whether we will listen or not. He told me to keep faith, remain positive, and that I would pass the test. Psalm 37:24 states, "Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." I may have run into a road block or bumped into a few things, but I did not fall. I didn't listen to God initially, that's why it took me months to overcome! If we are obedient to his word, there are many obstacles that we can either avoid all together or overcome quicker. My obedience was to be shown through faith. God had plans for me, but I'd never reach them without belief that he could free me from my burdens. Matthew 19:26 states, Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.

When I transformed my way of thinking and speaking over my life, things began to change. I began to see a financial increase and all of my bills being paid without concern. I began to see me having enough money left from my paycheck to save. Even though it hadn't actually happened yet, I was under the influence of God! I was filled with his presence and I no longer worried. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial. I began to see my life through the eyes of vision, and eventually I was blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine. What we think, see, and believe is what will manifest in our lives! So even if you don't have it yet I want you to SEE your increase, your restoration of health, the renewing of your mind, and your dreams coming true. I want you to THINK positively and BELIEVE that it will be done through Jesus Christ our Lord!

I recently watched a movie titled Homeless to Harvard. It was about a 16 year old girl whose father was an intelligent addict with AIDS who couldn't take care of her. Her mother was a schizophrenic addict and died from AIDS, so she found herself homeless and alone. She was also witness to different forms of abuse and cared for her mother while she was alive, losing her own childhood. In the midst of her darkness, she only spoke positivity. She uplifted others and never let her light dim due to her circumstances. She could have drowned in the depth of her troubles, but she pushed through because she knew there was more to life than pain and struggle. She didn't know exactly how she would make it, but she knew as long as she didn't give up somehow she would. SHE HAD FAITH AND USED HER EYES OF VISION. She finished high school in 2 years and received a scholarship affording her the opportunity to go to Harvard. The odds were against her, but she saw past her current trials and allowed her faith to guide her to her future. THE ODDS MAY BE AGAINST YOU, BUT YOU CAN EVEN OUT THE PLAYING FIELD IF YOU FILL YOURSELF WITH GOD. "Right now in Jesus' name I pray that he covers your eyes, mind, and tongue. I pray that you may see manifestation in your life even if it's not actually present at this moment. I pray that your mind is clear of negativity and that you are able to speak positively over you life. I pray that you understand that you are not alone, God is your influencer. Amen."



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